Dear, dear sister
we read your little tale.
We kept you in the basement
you say
we made fun of you because you were
you say
the most beautiful
you say
you were the outsider
you say
you were mocked
you say
you were not favored
so a fairy godmother came twinkling down
you say so well
she just gave you this mad night
you say so hell
to show everyone how much better you were
you lying thief
you took our dresses
you did
you took the one you liked
you did
you damaged the rest
you did
while we were out working
cause we do
while we were helping mother
cause we do
while you fixed your hair
all you do
and plotted to present yourself
all you do
as a princess
all you so
while we kept our house
our family
our faith
our shoes
and when the prince came
we shoved you into his arms as you
deserved each other
and we would have broken your every toe
to get you into those stolen shoes
happily ever after.